Forced marriage and slavery – AfD and CDU, Donald Trump – housewife politics

Germany / USA

They call it the traditional family picture or housewifeing.

Slavery is about it:

• Forced labor: Housewifery was legally required unpaid forced labor for men

• Husband’s ownership of the wife

• The right of punishment and rape for the man towards the slave, whom he calls a housewife

• Prohibition of woman’s own money and bank account

• Ban on work and dismissals from work by the husband

• Abortion ban

• Lack of rights before the judiciary and the police

• Imprisonment of the woman in the house

• Forced term pregnancy

All of these things are haunting the minds of our politicians and are being pushed through behind the scenes. Forced marriage is attempted through threats of torture by psychiatrists in Stuttgart, who incite jubilant men on us, shouting with joy that psychiatric nursing staff have the right to physical violence and assault, as well as arresting unwilling women. The criminal CDU in Stuttgart also does this. In 2021 I only escaped from the rapists’ torture chamber because of the federal CDU’s deselection and therefore a war crime that they are carrying out in the name of the Catholic Church to implement the above-mentioned housewife slavery.

These laws have been abolished since around 2017 and a no vote should officially apply in court. In the background, the Catholic Church, as the mastermind, is waging absolute war against emancipated women who resist the “traditional family image” through its criminal parties CDU and AfD, as well as its arbitrary psychiatric torture chamber. In the USA, the Pope, who is officially worshiped by Donald Trump, is seeking the same subjugation of women into slavery. The reversal of all emancipation in favor of complete disenfranchisement and abolition of the equality paragraph is the goal of the church, which is pulling on the strands of the AfD, CDU and Donald Trump. Kamala Harris is certainly also a protector of German women if she were to become American President and the CDU with its serious crimes had the women attacked and kidnapped in order to hand them over to the psychiatric hospital for war crimes, so that they could be sent there by the police for rape and… Forced pregnancy is brought, as they started in 2020. Incapacitation about fictitious mental illnesses, as is now supposed to be the other opinion and the emancipation of women, were started by the criminal machos, burglars and arsonists, wife beaters and the office of public order together against me as a feminist author. (The Schmauder emails are proof of this attempt and these false diagnoses have never been revoked) The abolition of human rights and human dignity for the real and false mentally ill has overridden every other fundamental right and of course this also includes the freedom of religion or the equality of women. This means we live in the dictatorship of Germany as long as torture continues and it is left to the discretion of criminal Nazi politicians from the CDU who is tortured and held captive. We live in absolute fascism. The laws could not be changed in the Bundestag because the Basic Law was only abolished via secondary laws. De facto, no word of the Basic Law no longer applies in practice. The abduction and rape in the Stuttgart clinic is threatened by the city of Stuttgart and its Nazi police and this could be interpreted as a forced marriage.

The “traditional family image” in which the woman has to provide services as a slave with no rights and no means and is supposed to suffer physical torture is standard policy of the CDU. Women in Stuttgart are not given work by business, industry or the government. It’s even worse if you want to work for Catholic holes like Caritas. They only hire women if the man gives his consent to the future boss (this is what happened in Pforzheim) and the woman becomes a member of the Catholic Church. This breach of the constitution is expressly approved by the CDU Anti-Discrimination Agency. It is Merkel’s policy of betrayal to consistently let those who leave the church starve and cut their jobs.

Part-time is the ultimate feeling offered to women when only women work in the respective profession and they are simply urgently needed as workers. It is important to many Nazi politicians and Catholics that women never earn more than €1,000 a month, that the money only goes to the children and that the wealth stays with the man. The part-time work was planned anyway so that poor men would be relieved by the fact that the wife would earn the pocket money of €500 and her own food, but she would not be able to escape from marital dependency, since no one would be able to support their whole life or pay rent. In this way she has relieved the man of his financial burden, but remains his slave. This was the case with my mother, who initially married into full slavery, where housewife laws from 1970 still applied. Today, older people can no longer imagine that younger women no longer have to or want to do that.

They want to force children. The fact is that I and many other women are financially far too poor to pay for pregnancies and we didn’t want to finance children from the food bank and the job center, since the so-called “patriarchy” is the rule of the unknown father also has no money and is therefore NOT the workplace of a slave, but only the man who has no money and abandons the woman. That’s how it was normal for the last 20 years. Women had to beg at the job center, regardless of whether they were married with children or not. Reason: Stuttgart doesn’t let women work. You are not allowed to earn the money yourself, the man doesn’t earn it either, he doesn’t even see that, if he doesn’t get sex anymore, then he won’t pay maintenance either. The gold pieces are thrown everywhere at the man, he takes them away but gives nothing to the woman. This is normal in patriarchy. Money only for men, a Stuttgart concept that no longer applies even in India. A reason to escape. I have wanted to leave this city for many years, but I was previously chronically ill and needed to heal from that before taking these steps. The fact is that the state of Baden-Württemberg is hunting for me. Goal: The sale of me as a woman into housewife slavery. As much dirt as possible was thrown to tarnish my reputation with the criminal lies of the Catholic CDU members and these lies are sent to every new employer so that I can be scolded and chased away without a job. Evil runaway slave. Not even for Jesus, she wants to HELP and get pregnant by assholes. That’s why they resort to urban pogroms, false reports, false mental illnesses and false punishments (see false fine notice). Tyrannize my door with police and break it down for no reason. They try to kidnap me from the apartment at night because I sleep alone and openly threaten to rape me. These men need it. For them, a relationship cannot be without physical violence, unwanted pregnancy and brutal humiliation. Also for the church. A men’s rights group from the nearby St. Luke’s Church also seems to be spreading this in our house. I could hear them in the apartment downstairs. The women then attack me and demand that I be homeless overnight. I have to leave the apartment without notice because the church is making a decision for Germany:

“We no longer let women live alone”

The church government has decided this and the police, the CDU and the pogrom neighbors have been waging armed war against me since 2020 and it will be dangerous if these treason church Nazis gain so much strength again via the CDU and AfD. I and many other women are no longer safe from war crimes of this kind. The Pope gives the order and politicians around the world are disenfranchising women. And they are gaining power thanks to the xenophobia of the Nazi AfD and the endless hatred of men here for women. They don’t want peace, they scream for our blood, for rape and hatred. And they always have religious fanatical psychiatrists and policewomen on their side who lie and cheat for them and leave the women standing before every court and every criminal without any rights. Failure to provide assistance is available free of charge from all lawyers. They are RIGHT lawyers.

False police reports come as soon as a woman has more than €3,000 in her account. Major attacks by debt collection companies must be agreed upon: returned packages, failed or terminated telephone lines are claimed in court and the presumption of guilt in our private justice system must be fought every time. This is also a tactic of attrition and the culture of fraud that Germany has slowly turned into.

With the AfD-CDU coalition of neo-Nazis, it can be expected that the complete “traditional family image” policy, i.e. the absolute slavery of women, will become law again or will simply be enforced through violence, lies and fraud, as usual.  Female apartment owners or heiresses, academics without a husband are then impregnated by the forced treatment and their property is left to the psychiatrists to fleece, while their self-determination is replaced by a male Catholic coercor by the Office of Public Order, i.e. they are legally cared for, trapped in the psychiatric ward held, raped, tortured and robbed. THIS is the world of AfD-CDU church politics, while stupid young girls approach everyone on the streets to talk about “Jesus” and therefore always dutifully elect their enslavers and rapists to the government. A theocracy is returning that was started by Merkel and that plans and will carry out genocide for the AfD with the utmost severity and completely enslaves women. Also via the back door of the psychiatric laws.