Holocaust denial through press censorship and government terror
Critical videos of the Holocaust and reports on anti-Semitism are deleted from YouTube channels as if they were anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Our government is mocking the victims of the Holocaust and protecting the current antisemitism, which the press is not allowed to report on without massive censorship methods being used.
The “twisting into the opposite” of statements and facts are the main instruments of power of the new Nazis. The reverse guilt is also normal with the police who intimidate the press. Upload filters make it impossible to publish Holocaust criticism. The alleged protection of minors protects against factual reports on the liberation of Auschwitz. The terrible pictures are placed under censorship. Adults can only look at something on the Internet by name and have to verify their ID or show their credit card.
Showing a credit card runs the risk of credit card fraud again, and this has been increasing lately. Collection agencies earn a golden nose for collecting bills for things someone ordered with your credit card. The credit card is the access to your bank account.
The identity card belongs to the surveillance state that is establishing its dictatorship everywhere. No shop can currently be entered without ID. It is acted as if it were outside an EU country. A grimace from our dictatorship that has nothing to do with Corona, but with surveillance and control and the persecution of people, no matter why. Nobody is anonymous anymore, everyone can be localized and traced anywhere with the Coronaapp.
Of course, the men immediately shout: “I have nothing to hide” and don’t know what it is like for a feminist who is to be brought to a psychiatric hospital to be tortured by the police and who is threatened with this and from who the police takes every action as evidence of her dangerousness and her insanity will be judged if she is only seen, so that master’s rights activists can drag her into slavery. This is what the author of Artemisnews is doing now.
The state degenerates into a slave state for women, when women are automatically considered to be mentally ill if they are feminists and that’s what happens here right now. The dictatorship shows more and more fascist grimaces. Deportations surely will be followed by murders and then it’s the Holocaust.
The memory of the Nazi Holocaust is systematically censored with age restrictions so that information is no longer accessible. We all become minors on the internet if we want to be anonymous. Anyone who wants to protect children should block their access to the Internet and should not it for everyone. Adult journalists can no longer get hold of information and the Holcaust is forcibly denied by the outrageous haughty cynicism of our murderers and religious persecutors!
Of course, what is to be reported about new antisemitics and other human rights crimes of the new Federal Republican dictatorship of Germany is also hushed up. As with ArtemisNews, against which 1 lawsuits are being made to restrict reporting for the purpose of censorship. ArtemisNews is not paid for by the government and is therefore persecuted by it because of its critical reports on the police, state murders, men’s rights activists, right-wing groups at the Bundeswehr (Combat18) and the police, and the contempt for women in the churches, as well as the religious agitation against all people of different faiths.