An anti-feminist faction from the AfD-Green-CDU and NSDAP Stuttgart is now trying to catch me for the extremist anti-women’s church and bring me to their concentration camps (psychiatry), where I’m supposed to learn about marriage and motherhood or where they’re allowed to exercise their violent fantasies against my body, so that I have to treat rape trauma for more years of my life instead of being happy by keeping the door closed. Those who constantly have to overcome violence will never become great and dangerous to the patriarchy, which is why violence is perpetrated against the woman’s body at regular intervals and demanded by the churches, which would rather see me bedridden than equal rights for women. It is also about inheriting your own home and your own car. Men receiving HartzIV like Felice Mafia boss can’t tolerate so much equality and let the police tyrannize me, who anticipate every wish from his eyes that his Italian arrogance has. So the persecution of women in Stuttgart became a mortal danger for me and a relapse into the methods of the Third Reich can be seen and cannot be denied. The women slavery laws are gone but have been replaced by psykhgs which now allow us to be arrested for the more offended and sold into real slavery. To these “doctors”. The state government overthrew the Basic Law and replaced it with Psykhg. Every fundamental right is now seen as a psychosis before the judiciary. Eg: This blog, political art, women’s rights, opinions, leaflets, leaving the church. A dictatorship has emerged and life for women in Stuttgart is dangerous.
Equality for women has not been achieved in this way. It only helps for a very short time in my life. Now, as a woman, coming from the church, I am being persecuted by the police because of my sex and I no longer find any rights here!