Germanys Church prison, Stuttgart

The mob and his girlfriend threw fireworks from their apartment at my car and smashed my door. She went to the police and called me “She has a psychosis” and the police are playing this game that the Nazis have devised to deport and suppress persecuted groups. Now there are again arrests of innocent people who only speak and do not please the Nazi people. The Holocaust returns via arrests. How many dead are there already?

Stuttgart: Religious Civil War – Germany 2023 – Return of witch hunts

You don’t notice that, it’s done slowly, backwards, but something like that is “done”, “managed”, “moused” “scrambled”. The teachers in Baden-Württemberg who are not church members do not have a … Read More

The German turn away from human rights – The political witch hunt is back

The Return of the Witch Hunts- The German Abandonment of Human Rights.

Eliminated human rights: freedom, physical integrity, presumption of innocence, discrimination against the disabled, protection from torture, equality between men and women has been dissolved: single women are persecuted.