Stuttgart: Police persecute and drive away single women with threats of forced commitment
Women’s rights no longer apply in Stuttgart. Back in 2018, I tried to report a neighbor who was brutally stalking me to the police. The constant murmuring and rushing from the apartment below me had become unbearable. They talked about me, about how they would no longer allow me to live alone and sentences like: “She’s sleeping without a husband again tonight”
I turned up the music so I couldn’t hear it anymore. The man then shouted at my door and kicked it: “Mrs. A. I’m kicking down your door.” He went into the basement and turned off the fuses in my apartment. It was already dark and I had to go past his apartment and into the basement to turn on the fuses while the violent man was lying in wait for me. So I took a gun with me. The man saw this and later reported me to the police as dangerous. He didn’t attack me at that moment. I had to go down twice because he had unscrewed two fuses and therefore committed a violent attack on my apartment. I had bought a new car at the time and a few days later he was pointedly leaning on my car, talking on the phone and putting out cigarettes on it. I yelled at him to get away from it, but he just left late. He said, “We need to talk about your music.” So I went to the police with photos of black marks on the car. Policewoman Reinwald was there and I told the story exactly like that. A police officer from behind, an inspector, ran up to the counter and shouted at me: “You are attacking the police here, I am now writing you into the police file as the culprit for everything that happens in the house.”
Since then, I have been completely at the mercy of violence, terror and slander from the entire household.
The neighbor and the man decided to insult me as crazy because of the website The police came and threatened to take the stereo with them. I had to listen to quiet music again and listen all the time to hate speech in my apartment about me and about my website from downstairs, which was extra loud and meant to insult me. I fell down the stairs in front of her apartment door and tore the strap in my foot. The neighbor discussed with the man downstairs that I was alone in the apartment for months and didn’t go out. I also don’t have enough men to visit.
The lockdown began and Heike H screamed at me in the stairwell that I should delete and take down a poster. As a co-owner, she would be allowed to decide that she could make decisions about the website. She enforced this absurdity with a lawyer at my provider and I had to move the website to a human rights country. I went to my washing machine with crutches and Wolfgang G locked me in the laundry room until the police came. The police banned me from singing again because it was Sunday. She doesn’t care about the deprivation of her freedom by the man in the laundry room because he is a man and the police have me on their register as a scapegoat.
March 20, 2020 They called the police again and had me ring the bell at night when I was still seriously injured to tell me that I was probably crazy. Meanwhile, Felice C gave me the finger and Heike H. screamed hysterically. The conversation was recorded by me. These people liked this insult tour so much that they kept sending the police to my apartment so that they could ring me out and insult me as mentally ill. E.g.: April 28, 2020 at 10 p.m., I was seriously injured and had to open the door and listen to these insults from the police on behalf of the neighbors. Stalking that the police do together with the neighbors and that has the aim of kidnapping me and abusing me in a psychiatric hospital.
Felice C, has been harassing me since the day he moved into the house 20 years ago by blocking my parking space or filling it with junk and stealing my underwear from the washing machine. He now had new friends in Heike H and Wolfgang G and they organized a witch hunt.
On March 28, 2020-12:59 I opened a kitchen window and coughed. Felice C. from the garden apartment below me, to the north, saw it. The police came and rang the bell: “Open the police” and said: “We can also have you forcibly committed, you are crazy because of your crazy posters” (A political protest against Angela Merkel, hung in my art window) So I was left without a reason threatened with forced confinement by the police. The little blonde policewoman was there and laughed her head off. She always laughed when the police threatened and insulted me and later didn’t take a correct photo of Felice C breaking into my apartment on June 13, 2021.
Felice C attacked me in the parking lot because I was pushing his children’s vehicles away and threatened me with a beating and a loony bin.
November 10, 2020 Felice C. turned my washing machine upside down and all the laundry was full of urine. The only option was to throw it away, but it was just a worthless old pillow. I slightly twisted his shoe cabinet in front of his apartment to tell him that we know very well who does this sort of thing.
On November 14th, 2020 I stayed at the washing machine until the end and Felice C came in and harassed me many times. I recorded everything on video. He ordered me to leave the room while my washing machine was still running. I wouldn’t leave so he went out and got a mop and attacked my face with it. I was still injured on my foot and couldn’t react as quickly. I called the police and he walked away. In the evening he completely freaked out and shouted in front of my door.
“11/17/2020 – 5:16 p.m. “Felice Chammers against the door of …. and says: “I’m sending her to the psychiatric hospital”, followed by the insults: “The woman here is more than disabled and stupid” (video evidence available, from the district court about Artuhg censored on the internet.)
He told the neighbor: “Of course I peed in her washing machine, I peed in yours too.”
He called the police and reported me for writing the crazy website Artemis minus News de and much more that I no longer understood. Press tracking is hereby officially permitted.
There were many acts of terror against me, a threatening letter covered in feces and a threatening letter with the threat, “There is still a room available for you in Winnenden”, an egg on my car window and many attacks on my notice in the stairwell, which the other neighbors was supposed to inform about the attacks against my property and was lying wild and crumpled all over the area. Winnenden is a former concentration camp for the mentally ill that still exists and is now considered a problematic psychiatric hospital because the school shooter Timo… was supposedly treated there.
They called the police as a stalking method up to 3 times a day. Monday because of alleged noise. This was proven false but the police broke my door lock for Felice C. Policewoman Reinwald and her trainee Foran came and, without warning, broke my door lock with a chisel.
The following evening, Heike H. harassed me at around 7 p.m. and rang my loud doorbell again for minutes. She wanted to know, “I don’t know what problems you have with your family…”. For this she called the police again because from now on I was being harassed by her because I live alone when her boyfriend wants me to let men in. (The court forbade me to call her a “pimp” for these actions because the justice system is involved in human trafficking with the woman and wants to cover it up.) The police came again and I sent her away. I wanted to sleep, it was quiet and there is no reason to let the police insult me as mentally ill or ask me to sleep with men at any time of the day or night. My complaints of sexual assault are dismissed by a shameless public prosecutor, who in turn insults me as mentally ill and a troublemaker. At the police station I am considered an aggressor and cannot go there to report it. The gaslighting method is used jointly by the police and the neighborhood: no matter what happens, it will be interpreted in such a way that I am being insulted as mentally ill. The Psykhg BW has taken away the human rights of the mentally ill and suspended the presumption of innocence. That’s why police officers and neighbors can kidnap women if they feel like it. The police and the neighbors know this and used the threat of forced admission to pimp and sexually assault them.
In December 2020, Feile C’s children threw for him from the apartment above my parking lot, the apartment of his girlfriend Alina M.B. Fireworks on my car. Witnesses from the house across the street told me far too late.
The police now pretended that they wanted to photograph the fire damage. The police came with a medical officer and a man from the public order office. A team like this is needed to arrest real mentally ill people and get them committed. So the state continues to threaten me with violence and imprisonment. I am absolutely not mentally ill, but these allegations originally came from Heike H.’s hate speech and were then spread about me throughout the area. The police considered this incitement to be enough to ignore Section 1 of the law, which requires someone to have a mental illness if they are to be forcibly committed.
Jerome Schmauder from the office wrote in an email that he was there because of complaints. He doesn’t say who placed these advertisements, but I was a witness to the incident myself, April 28th, 2020 at 10 p.m., where Heike H. and Felice C were standing on the ground floor and the police rang my doorbell and said that the neighbors had claimed to be with me was “something wrong” and whether I was receiving medical treatment. There is video evidence of this.
The complainant does not let the police report me for defamation because they cite the state’s right to insult my human dignity (the prosecutor writes over several paragraphs cited). The neighbors have thus upheld the right to terror and sexual coercion and forcing me to move. PKin Rögner asked me to move at the event. The noble new apartment owner Heike H. wants me to be thrown out of the house because of my website. She also initiated this orgy of advertisements against me. She writes threatening legal letters to my landlords/parents, telling them to force me to delete the website or else I should be kicked out of the apartment without notice.
The decisions of a “church” of “masters’ rights” are made in the apartment below me. They decided that I should be raped by psychiatrists, incapacitated and imprisoned because I had “rejected teams of men”. You can hear these conversations in my apartment. There is a “MANN” ecumenical group in Stuttgart where Christian men’s rights activists meet together. Anyone who capitalizes MAN is considered a men’s rights activist in the scene. (Information from the Internet) These groups attack women’s rights and want rape to go unpunished and housewife laws back. They also demand “the right to women” in the house. This is new and comes from the incel scene. There are unloved men here demanding on the Internet that they are forced to get the women they don’t want to take. What sounds like crazy crazy people is being done against me here as if it were the law. The police are blackmailing me into not living alone anymore by threatening me with compulsory hospitalization. The medical officer screamed it in my face. Evidence of her visit are the emails from the police and Jerome Schmauder.
On June 13, 2021, Felice C broke down my apartment door. There is video evidence of the police visit. The police let him go. Alina M tried to stop me from repairing the door. Felice C, came after the police left and broke the door again and attacked me with her fists. I was trying to repair the door and he backed away from the cordless screwdriver. He and his girlfriend wanted to prevent the repairs. I called the police again. The incident was reported to the police by Alina M as “psychosis”, I would have drilled loudly. The police wrote: “Incident involving a mentally disturbed person” and “quarrels” against me. The interpretation of all events lies with the perpetrators and their character assassination and everything should lead to my enslavement by the Psykhg, to complete robbing by men and officials and to rape in a clinic. Of course, it can also be interpreted as violent expulsion or threats of force to expel them by the police.
I have been deprived of rights by the police and am intimidated with threats of violence. All events are misinterpreted so that I am called “mentally ill” and this is how they want to claim their slavery one day. As Jerome Schauder wrote in his email: “We have not initiated any proceedings.” This latent threat has been tried. The medical officer who shouted at me: “Why are you alone for so long” had the information that I was single, probably from the registry office and the rejection of Felice C. and Wolfgang G. was a reason for you to impose a prison sentence and torture on me to threaten. The public prosecutor’s office will not accept my reports in this regard. They are very brutal demands to open my door to the men who are kicking it so that they can finally do violence to me! Furthermore, the state of Baden-Württemberg wants to force me to get married. The CDU’s policy does not provide for women to own money and apartments, but rather to receive maintenance and this is what they tried to implement here.
The police consistently describe me as “mentally abnormal”, even if I didn’t meet the police at all on those days; all it takes is a neighbor calling and slandering and insulting me. I reported human trafficking with the evidence of their lies. In truth, the men’s rights coup in Stuttgart was probably organized by the men’s group of the churches. Lawyers are involved there. Women in Stuttgart can’t get a lawyer, I had to hire lawyers outside of Germany. The police don’t take reports from me or distort everything and everyone tries to stigmatize and slander me as mentally ill. This is also because one day I will inherit my apartment and become the owner of a property that these associations do not allow women to own. I have to note that my neighbors’ conversations repeatedly mentioned phrases like: “burn down women’s shelters”, but they have now moved on to “disable them” because they want to take over my apartment.
So the men’s rights coup looks like this:
Kretschmann’s law Psykhg BW makes it possible for people to be forcibly committed without applying human rights and the presumption of innocence. The Mental Health Assistance Act enables the physical assault and shackling of women and other victims in psychiatric care. It is a temptation for all rapists to kidnap women in this way and tie them to beds because the state allows it. Read it that way, it happened that way.
The police have now never punished or prosecuted a crime against a single woman, but rather she is only considered a “mentally abnormal person” and in my case they are demanding that she be prosecuted by the police because of “a possible psychosis”. They leave the medical diagnosis to a completely uneducated neighbor and probably no longer need the doctors. The medical officer cannot be trusted, it just screams in my face that I should be with someone and this is not only insensitive, in the case of real mentally unstable people, it is hate speech that she uses for the rejected men with me who not only won’t have my children, but also won’t become co-owners of my apartment if I don’t marry them. The church’s involvement in me as a church leaver has so far only been recognizable through the overheard conversations of my roommates and cannot be proven. One could also classify these events and the attempted slavery against me as religious persecution by the misogynistic church. Since my advertisements are only rejected in the state, I still have my hopes in the new government. The police attacks have subsided somewhat since her election, but there were still negotiations in which I was only deprived of my right to object because I was simply thrown out of the courtroom without a lawyer. I was now no longer allowed to interpret my neighbor’s actions as pimping just because she demanded that the police force her to visit me. The accomplice in the burglary can no longer be called that, and I haven’t even mentioned the car fire she helped cause. The state is biased, probably corrupt, towards me a human trafficker who indirectly threatens me with imprisonment and rape, but also psychiatric torture and who wants to appropriate my property through “legal care”, as incapacitation is called today. I’m only at large because they’re still hoping that someone will get me pregnant now and then my life will be oppressed anyway.
A situation in which the police never help me but do not prosecute all crimes against me or protect the perpetrators is extremely dangerous. The threat of torture is supposed to drive me away from my home in Stuttgart. They are just waiting impatiently to take over the one I renovated at great expense and let “MEN” in there. Felice C, is interested.
PDF: German and English-Version with keywords:
Stuttgart: Polizei verfolgt und vertreibt ledige Frau-en mit Zwangseinweisungsdrohungen